ternyata emang bener,,untuk merubah diri tuh perlu kemauan yang sangat sangat keras..
setelah beberapa bulan hidup dalam pola yang tidak teratur,,
segala terserak..segala tercecer..
akhirnya aku bisa berpikir lebih jernih dan rapi.
manusia itu cenderung pada hal yang indah2..dan aku seorang manusia sekarang..
hehe..emang slama ini.?
perubahan itu diperlukan sekali untuk membuat suatu kemajuan. seorang manusia saja mengalami perubahan secara alami dengan adanya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan selnya.
aku slalu teringat kata ini..
I want to change the world
Piercing through the gales, unafraid of anything,
Now I hold my courage and pieces of my smile
Change my mind
If we reach out to the soaring future
without losing our passion, we'll be able to shine,
It's wonderland
I want to change the world
I won't hesitate again. If I can shape a future with you,
then I can fly anywhere.
Change my mind
I can spread my wings and fly towards the unknown future
without losing my passion.
It's wonderland
Piercing through the gales, unafraid of anything,
Now I hold my courage and pieces of my smile
Change my mind
If we reach out to the soaring future
without losing our passion, we'll be able to shine,
It's wonderland
I want to change the world
I won't hesitate again. If I can shape a future with you,
then I can fly anywhere.
Change my mind
I can spread my wings and fly towards the unknown future
without losing my passion.
It's wonderland
_ending soundtrack of Inuyasha-by V6_
1 comment:
mang susah bgt,,,
emang butuh kemauan n kerja keras...
smangat ya
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